Posted by “Vulcan”
SourceParagliding Forum
Date: Monday, Feb 10, 2014 06:32 AM
Subject: Finally used my reserve…

After 15 years of XC flying around the World I was beginning to think that carrying a reserve was a waste of time. Especially as nearly all the reserve throws I have seen were unnecessary i.e. the wing wanted to fly but the pilot did not let it.
Sunday last week I was flying at Manilla. Australia is in drought at the moment and I have never seen Manilla so dry and brown…this makes for some big and, at times rough, air.
I had flown about 140 klms and it was the roughest flight I had ever had at Manilla. But it was about 5.00 pm and the air had calmed down quite a lot so I wasn’t expecting anything.
I was about 1000 m above the ground and flying towards another wing in a climb. I had just reached the edge of the lift when I had the biggest, fastest collapse in my flying career, without any noticeable warning. The wing pitched back behind me and then dived down below me.
I tried to brake the surge but obviously was too slow and did not give enough input. Then I was weightless and catapulted between the risers. I hit the left lines and luckily did not go through them. Next the wing started to turn quickly and I thought it was going to wind up into a big spiral.
I reached for the reserve handle but the wing stopped turning so I didn’t throw. It quickly became stable and the descent rate was not high. At some point I looked up and realised that I had a 50% cravat and about 4 riser twists.
I reached up and could just touch the lines above the twists but could not get the risers to untwist.
After some consideration I decided that this was not something I was likely to be able to resolve and so decided to throw my reserve.
Interestingly my descent rate was only about 4.5 mps at that point so could have ridden the wing to the ground but as I could not be sure it would stay in this configuration I thought it better to throw. The reserve, which I had repacked in about October, came out very easily and I watched it start to open. Then grabbed one brake I could see in the mess above me and pulled it in which effectively killed the wing as it pitched down.
I continued to come down quite slowly and in a very stable configuration.

My 15 year old (yes, made in 1999!) APCO Mayday 20 worked perfectly.

However, I was drifting around a lot due to large changes of wind direction at different heights (which may well have been one of the reasons for the rough air) and kept drifting backwards and forwards across the Gwydir River. This gave me the biggest scare as there was a good chance I was going to land in the deep, very cold and fast flowing river. I decided I need to prepare for this and initially let go of the wing but it immediately started to re-open so I grabbed the lines again with one hand and unbuckled my flight deck and pod with the other. Eventually I was over the far side of the river and seemed to be coming down very slowly. I just wanted to get on the ground at that point in case I drifted back over the river, the big gum trees along the bank or into power lines.
In the end I landed in the middle of a ploughed and relatively soft paddock about 150 metres from the river. Just before I hit the ground I saw my retrieve vehicle stop at the edge of the paddock (nice work!). Even though I felt like I was coming down slowly and my vario later confirmed I was descending at only about 4.1 mps I hit the ground very hard.
I had bent my knees in preparation for a PLF but basically it just felt like I was thrown at the ground! I had fractured 5 vertebrae in a flying accident back in 2008 and it really hurt when I hit the ground this time! So, I lay there for a few minutes trying to decide if I had damaged anything badly.
As I did my retrieve drove up beside me and I could see 3 wings approaching above me. One was a paramedic who started to wind down to land (thanks Paul) but he was advised it was unnecessary.

1. APCO Mayday reserves are very good!
2. Get the reserve that is going to give you the slowest, most stable descent possible.
3. Don’t relax late in the day when you think the air has calmed down!
4. Maybe consider a steerable reserve – but at the time I felt like I had my hands full without having a reserve to steer. Certainly I would only consider a steerable reserve that has little forward speed unless you release the brakes
5. When purchasing equipment choose carefully on the basis of the fact that it is reasonably likely you will need to use its safety features one day (e.g. get very good back protection in your harness and a very good reserve).

So, I have decided to retire my reserve given its age and the fact that it has done its job…on the other hand I’ve given it a good test! Shocked
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Finally used my reserve…

From: Customer
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 6:05 PM
To: apco

J’ai surv?cu un accident de parapente avec votre parachute de secours “Mayday 16 Superlight (SLT)” Le parachute n’a rien et a pu tre repli !
Un grand merci votre quipe !

I survived a bad paragliding accident with your parachute “Mayday Superlight 16 (SLT)” The parachute opened perfectly and descended slowly, safely and stable !
A big thank you to your team!

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Mayday 16 Superlight (SLT)

From: Steve Hill

To: apco

Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 3:56 PM

Subject: Reserve Deployment


I was flying with your lightweight 18 reserve in Porterville SA and had to pull it. It worked first time, so many thanks for saving me……

Many thanks

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Reserve Deployment

From: Ray Dauphinee

Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 6:55 PM

Country: canada

To: apco

Subject: Saved by my Mayday

Hi guys.

Just a quick note to say thank you for making such a reliable reserve chute.
Yesterday, I needed it. I had a collapse on my paraglider and threw my reserve.
I was at an altitude of approx 200 ft AGL at the time of deployment. It deployed beautifully and quickly. Undoubtedly, it saved my life. I had repacked it 4 months earlier.

My reserve information is below: Date of Purchase: 2011Jun29 Manufacturer: APCO Aviation Model: May Day 18 Surface: 29.7 sq m Weight Range: 74-110kg Date of Inspection: 2011/March
PS: I bought all of my PG equipment from Advance.

Thanks again.
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Saved by my Mayday

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Voler.Info / Free.Aero full review
Hi there Apco,
Thank you for manufacturing an outstanding wing. Due to the whether I had the opportunity to fly my new Lift EU 400 on Saturday morning.
What a pleasure. Not what I expected. The wing came up with no surprises at all. Just sit there waiting for the next command. In flight the wing is responsive with the best glide ratio. Landing the trike was really very easy with minimal input.
The wing was really worth the wait.
All I can say is good luck improving on this wing.

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Pilot comment: Lionel Schlebusch

I have only about 1 hour on the lift 450 but have fallen in love
with it. We will be demonstrating it to some other dealers soon.
Already setting up appointments.
I am flying it on a Destiny XLT with 260 hrs. total time on it.
We flew beside it in a new Destiny XLT with 60 hours on it and a
standard APCO 550. We did the same manuevours as you did in your
advertisement. We came out with the same results. For the same level
flight the tack on the 450 read 4360rpm and the other APCO chute was
reading 5180. Glide was a lot farther in the 450. Climb just wasn’t
a contest as the 450 went up twice as fast as the other plane. The
450 was mounted on a Destiny XLT, with a 62inch spread at the hang
point. Risers were the longer 60″ risers. We will try later with the
50inch risers.
With this all said, I would like a quote on 3 more Lift 450’s.
One of each color.

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Pilot comment: Don, USA

My friend John Hollis bought one your lift 450 chutes and we fly together frequently. Both of our machines weigh 500 lbs with 15 gallons of fuell and rotax 582 motors. He typically flys 2-4 mph faster and climbs out steeper than I can. He has done engine out landings with a passenger and has plenty of energy left over.
What I am trying to say is that in the affluent neighborhood I live in, and the introduction of a revolutionary PPC wing, I believe that I can sell a bunch of these wings over here. Most in this area are hesitant about any reflex wing but since flying with John I believe that I can change their minds…. Please contact me regarding becoming a dealer for my area
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Pilot comment: Tony, USA
Here is the completed registration card. This is my 2nd Lift 450 and I love fling this wing! It is so much better that the square chute and if I didn’t have a 450, I’d probably give up flying! Thank you.
PS A clip of my 450 flying in New England!

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Pilot Comment: Angelo, New England


I have a single seat powered parachute made by Powrachute in 2002. It is a Skyrascal. It meets regulations part 103. I would like to know what wing made by Apco that you would recommend. I was looking at the lift II ppc 400 The halo is 31″ wide. I would need to also know what length risers to use as well. And if you sell them. I currently have two of your Cruiser wings on a couple of Airwolfs. We love them. Great job on the design.

Thank you

David Hickmott
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Pilot Comment: David, USA