Hey! I just bought an apco (force 2) and I’m loving it, you really have products of great quality and credibility. You have great products and a strong name in the market. You could improve the site, because it is the face of the online company. (written reg old site)

Greatings form Brazil!
And tanx for the excellent product!
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Pilot Comment: Yanis – brazil

Robin likes the Vista 4 very much.


I must say the Apco Lift EZ is an absolutely incredible wing. Even very experienced paragliding pilots choose the Lift EZ over other wings after their paramotor education is completed.

Best regards,
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Trond Nyman Aarre

Dear Apco Company,
I am flying with Apco Lift EZ glide , I must say this it is a very stable glide.

thank you Apco 🙂
Gadi Cohen
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Gadi Cohen

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