Tip for use – At the shoulder straps there are two adjustment points, one attached from the shoulder down to the rear of the frame/motor The other is a round shaped strap that runs through the front strap (belly strap) and behind your bum. You want this – “snug” So when you lean forward to get out of the harness to land your chest moving forward pulls the round strap and that pulls the leg/bum part of the harness up behind you so your legs dangle clear for landing. I had issues getting out until I adjusted these tighter than I thought they should be. I hope this helps people as I love this harness now.

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Pilot Review :: YouTube Video Manual comment

Marlon Jonat, erfolgreicher Vlogger und äußerst talentierter Pilot, hat mit seinem Video über den F1 von Apco in der Szene für Furore gesorgt. PARAMOTOR hat ihn zu seiner Leidenschaft befragt und auch private Dinge aus seinem Leben erfahren …
Interview von Norbert Aprissnig
Read the full Interview / Review here…

F1 :: Review :: Paramotor Mag (German)

Fantastic! My new Jetcom helmet is quite light and comfortable. I like that the air-vents can be open/closed, it really helps on those hot days when you want your head to breath. Fidlock magnet on the chinstrap makes it very easy to close/open. And the size adjusting roller at the back is very easy to use, even during the flight.

JETCOM Helmet :: Pilot Comment :: by Adrian Smith

Just flew the new 26m F3 for the first time this weekend. What a wing! I came off a Lift EZ and was right at home on the F3. I was ready to run for my life on take-off, and was flying before I knew it! Heaps of lift on landing. My flying weight is around 140kg. Wing is very responsive in flight, just what I was looking for.
Thanks APCO!
NS: Apco, I can only suggest to make a bigger deal of this wing in the media and your website – It just turned up in the lineup one day… I think this wing deserves a bit of fanfare!

F3 :: Pilot Comment :: Willie Erasmus

Kitto :: Review :: XC Mag
Apco :: un gradito ritorno :: Volo Libero Magazine (Italian)

Good morning Jonathan

You asked my opinion about the new F3Bi ParaTrike wing.
After the flight and some consideration, here are my impressions:

Positive Points:
Inflation, takeoff and landing are perfect.
Stable in the air and comfortable to steer.
I enjoyed flying the F3Bi, and this will be my next parachute👍.

Negative points:
It is easy to confuse where to connect to the risers (Maybe give a different color)
The 2D Steering is a bit cumbersome and not worth the awkwardness.
In addition there are both trimmers and speed system pulleys, which adds to the awkwardness.
Due to the awkwardness of the risers it is a bit confusing and not so straight forward as my previous glider.

[Reply from Apco: This was a prototype riser – we have modified the risers to improve these points].
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F3Bi (ParaTrike Wing) :: Pilot Comment :: Moshe Grad

The team at Apco nailed it with a well refined wing that is fast, nimble, and really fun to fly. The F3 will inspire pilots to expand their limits for years to come.

F3 :: Pilot Comment :: Gilad Almosnino

I’ve been flying the F1 since it was released, and I love its speed and performance! But, now that the F3 is out, I tried it and will get one – its just more relaxing all round, lower takeoff and landing speeds, but still has the great performance, and speed when needed. It will be my wing of choice when mine arrives.

F3 :: Pilot Comment :: Eran Barabi

The F3 delivered what I was promised! That light weight thing pops in the air just by thinking about it. Rock solid and stable when I wanted it and super fast and responsive when pushed to the fun zone. Great takeoffs and landings with that baby! Thumbs up APCO!

F3 :: Pilot Comment :: Jacob Gourvic