Apco Hybrid Video Review by Andre Bandarra

Pilot Video Review :: Andre Bandarra

I love My all Green Apco play 4 2 UL Glider

Just wanted to share my video with y’all ??

John Hancock

Pilot Comment :: John Hancock :: USA

Some feedback on the use of this pod:
The comfort in fly is really good.
The use is very simple and the settings are easy.
I can not anymore do without this pod 🙂
Cordially, Stephane

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Pilot Comment: Paramotor Pod by Stephane (France)

We test flew the 400 Cruiser this morning. It did not disappoint. You guys have done another fantastic job of producing an excellent flying chute.  I have gotten many excellent reviews from pilots on Facebook. I believe that they will generate into sales. Please let the Apco team know how much we like the chute. 

פורסם על ידי ‏‎Bill Wallace‎‏ ב- יום שבת, 2 במרץ 2019

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Cruiser 400 :: Bill Wallace :: USA

PARAWORLD Magazine Reviews the Hybrid (Japanese Text)

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Apco Hybrid featured in PARAWORLD Magazine

Magazine Review :: Skywings

Hi Jonathan,

Got a feedback from the P/M Hybrid L:

first flight today at Bribie beach, 2.5 hrs, very happy, wind got up to 15 knots while flying so was glad of the trimmers which gave me approx +7km/hr, very nice wing & very efficient, thanks

Simon Hunniset

Now his friend wants one,

Take care,


Pilot Comment :: Jean-Luc Lejaille – Rainbow :: Australia

ROCK THE OUTDOOR a publié plusieurs vidéos d’incidents au décollage en biplace, notamment celle avec un problème d’un assistant qui s’est retrouvé avec la main prise dans les sangles ou celle d’une passagère qui a attrapé la poignée du secours en cherchant à s’agripper… Ces incidents n’auraient pas eu lieu si les…
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Biplace : système d’aide du positionnement du passager au décollage

Hi  sally and Apco team

Thanks for sending the hybrid L.  I received it over one week ago and had the chance to fly it, test it and let a few pilots fly it.

I am not disappointed at all and like it . I think it is a nice beginner glider and has good potential in schools and for beginner pilot as well.


Let me tell you my impressions after flying the Hybrid in different condition from…

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Pilot Comment :: Eric Dufour – Paratour :: USA

The Hybrid is truly a great and easy to work with so far. Stable and floats over your head with extremely minimal input. It is light and yet not necessarily a hike&fly like glider. Pilot can literally bring it over his head and ground handle it with just pinky fingers as minimum efforts are needed to maneuver it. Response is direct and canopy does not tend to overshoot rapidly but instead gently rises and stops over you well centered. If pilot misses to catch the surge the canopy gently floats a bit forward and then back in place with no brake application. It appears to be very student friendly.  Commands are very soft at the start and increase tension as you go on deeper. However, deeper or abrupt inputs are barely needed as gliders simply responds well to your touch from the very start of the brake movement. The “language” passed from the canopy to the pilot via the brake tension is absolutely predictable and readable. It almost feels like you simply have your arms spread over your head and this is what is carrying you up or it feels like you become “one” with the glider.

Pilot Comment :: Mariyan Ivanov :: USA