Date: January 3, 2005

Harness: APCO Contour
Protections: Yes
Helmet: Yes

Parachute: Yes (APCO May Day 18)

Boots: Yes
Glasses: Yes
Gloves: Yes


Hour: 13 hs
Place and time of takeoff: Merlo 12.30 hs
Place : Merlo
Province : San Luis

Wind: N 10 Km

Number of flights at this place: 20

Description of the incident/accident:

The wing loose the pressure and asymmetric collapse (I don’t remember percent) (right side). The wing accelerated and entered into a spiral dive ,the wing was vertical and the G force don’t let me move. All this in a second. With a big force I move my arm upon the handle. I throw the Mayday in one movement. Because de spin force the opening was very fast (like an explosion), but the Mayday deployed perfectly. I fell over a big tree . I hang over the floor about 2 or 3 meters. I get down and I copy my GPS position with de radio. I was Ok, unharmed and the rescue teem spent about two hours to reach my position. I was in the middle of the wall of a deep gorge. The floor was about 45°. I could recover all my equipment and will have the Mayday repacked in no time to be ready again in case of need.

Origin of the incident: probably rotor produced because the NE wind. (wind of the other side of the mountain)

I now appreciate the necessity of good Mayday rescue chute more than ever before and would recommend for everyone to never fly without a Mayday.