
Certification: DGAC

For detailed comparison between NRG PRO II and NRG XC II Q&A below »

The APCO NRG Pro II is the ultimate answer to the fast growing, challenging segment of purpose built wings designed for professional slalom racing.

NRG Pro II is a complete redesign of the previous NRG – and is now a faster, more aggressive wing with pylon racing performance and spirit!

The pylon racing turning sequence of:
has been perfected to a point where it is only the pilot who can limit the wing and never the opposite!

HIT VALVES® – A highly stable, full reflex profile with our HIT valves incorporated, allows pushing this wing beyond any familiar boundaries.

OAA® system – incorporated into NRG Pro II risers allows for use of full speed range using the speed bar only.
The change from trim speed to fully accelerated is faster than ever before with the OAA system.
For normal flight OAA can be easily disengaged, allowing for operation of trimmers separate from speed bar.

2D Steering – allows for one hand use of both tip steering and main brakes.

The NRG PRO is the favorite wing for most professional pilots, but now it’s time to take it up to the next level. NRG Pro II is an adrenaline junkies dream and still rock solid safe!

NRG Pro II takes-off and lands at slower speed than you would expect, making flying easy. All thanks to new highly efficient reflex profile.

NRG Pro II will excite every experienced pilot – you will be infected by the racing virus instantly. The adrenaline rush will go through the roof and your heart rate will match the speed of the wing.

NRG Pro II purpose built for speed and agility to win the race, or just for low level ground skimming and fun.


 DO NOT! test fly this wing, unless you are ready to buy it!

This wing is highly addictive.


More Information

NRG Pro II / Size 16.517.518.519.520.522.0
Area [m2]16.5217.518.4819.4720.5021.80
Area (projected) [m2]13.8114.6315.4516.2717.1418.22
Span(incl. Stabiliser) [m]9.5710.0510.5310.3910.9111.43
Span (projected) [m]7.497.868.248.138.538.95
Aspect Ratio5.555.775.995.555.775.99
Aspect Ratio (projected)
Pilot Weight (all up) free flight [kg]70-9070-10070-11070-12070-13070-140
Pilot Weight (all up + paramotor unit) [kg]70-10570-12570-14070-15570-17070-180
Canopy Weight [kg]4.18*4.45*4.72*4.92*5.21*5.57*
Root Cord m2.
Tip Chord [m]0.400.400.400.440.440.44
Length of Lines on B [m]5.786.
Total Length of Lines [m]305325348331353378

*Approximate Weight

V-min [km/h]27
V-trim [km/h]39-49
V-trim off [km/h]58
V-max [km/h]80
Min Sink [m/s] at optimal wing loading1.4 m/sec

The wing uses the same long lasting cloth and fully sheathed durable lines as on previous APCO wings. This is to guarantee its integrity for entire expanded lifespan of the wing. Nevertheless we made maximum effort to reduce the weight of the wing thanks to advanced solutions applied.

APCO is traditionally known for using materials and building techniques which offer double and triple lifespan over the expected. The glider is made from tear resistant Ripstop Nylon cloth, which is P.U. coated to zero porosity and then siliconized to give the fabric high resistance to the elements. Different cloth is used for the top, bottom and ribs due to their different functions.

The lines are made of superaramid covered with a polyester sheath for protection against UV, wear and abrasion.
The bottom section of the brake lines is made of Polyester because of its better mechanical properties. The Karabiners that attach the lines to the risers are made of stainless steel.

MaterialDiameter [mm]Strength [kg]
Mid (a1:b1:c1:d1)Vectran1.0153
Mid (**Brake;a3,5;b3,5;c;d)Vectran0.9115
Bottom (A3,5;B3,5)Super Aramid1.4254
Bottom (A1;B1)Super Aramid1.6325
Bottom (C; D; St)Superaramide1.0137
Brake Cascades; St topVectran0.650
Steering LinePolyester2.085
Sail Cloth42 gr/m2 "Zero Porosity" Ripstop Nylon
Rib ReinforcementFLEXON® batten system
Warranty3 years / 250 Hours

Read and download our 3 Year / 250 Hour warranty certificate.

Learn more about our outstanding factory service.

Order replacement lines from our Line Shop.


Wing Suitability

Wing Use Chart



    Slower speed than you would expect for such a wing. All thanks to new highly efficient reflex profile.


    Full of energy, you can squeeze out a nice long skid or flare to a stand still.


    Use the 2D Brakes to fully control both tip steering and main brakes.


    Built to ‘out-slalom’ the best. Super agile, and extremely fast, the NRG PRO II is the weapon of choice for the Slalom Worrier.


    “I’ve owned.. Snakes, Doberman 2, Flown Viper 4 & Paramania GTX and honestly feel NRG Pro 2 is the cream from them all!

    Thank you #apco through your drive for continuous development you have taken the NRG next level! :)”

    Casey Butler (Australia)


    According to Apco’s legendary tradition for durability – the construction of the wing is bullet proof! Extremely durable cloth combined with proven construction designed to withstand years of use.


    The APCO NRG Pro is the ultimate thrill machine, designed for professional slalom racing.


  • null


    DSC – Double Siliconized Cloth

  • null


    Stall Recovery System

  • null


    One Action Acceleration ®

  • null


    Embedded Hook-In Points

  • null


    Wind Scoop System

  • HIT Valves

    HIT Valves

    Embedded Hook-In Points

  • null

    L/E FLEXON battens®

    A system for improved launch, lighter weight, prolonged lifespan

  • null


    Integral built-in neodymium brake magnets

  • null


    Air Extreme Ball bearing Pulleys ®

  • null

    Laser Cut Wings

    Each panel is precision cut by laser

  • null


    They may look like any other handle, but they will keep you safer in the air

Approval – ULM identification


Frequently Asked Questions


Description Cross Country wing –  easy to handle, take-off and land.

  • Fast and agile at trim speed.
  • Stable and more relaxed in any accelerated flight mode (trimmers or speed bar)
Slalom racing wing – extremely manueverable and responsive wing. Designed to allow the fastest possible transition between trim speed to fully acclerated and back to trim speed. Highly defined and pronounced reflex profile for safety in extreme flying.
Aimed at Experienced pilots, looking for a thrilling cross country wing which delivers more speed and andrenalin than the average xc wing. Very experienced pilots/professionals who can handle its responsiveness to the lightest of input.

Pilots looking for the ultimate paramotor wing for slalom racing/ACRO flying/adrenalin.

Build differences Fully sheathed lines for easy handling and durability Unsheathed competition lines for maximum performance.
Unique Features
ABS – Automatic Balance System ✔ – improved stabillity in accelerated flight ✘ – Removed for the highest agility at any flight speed
SRS – Stall Resistance System ✔ – Easier launch and safety due to stall resistance ✘ – Removed for quicker transition from trim speed to   accelerated and back to trim speed
Tip Steering handles ✔ – Optional for ease of use in XC flights ✔ – Optional for ease of use in XC flights
2D Steering
WSS – Wind Scoop System
EHP – Embedded hook in point
OAA – One Action Acceleration
HIT Valves
Flexon battens
Ball bearing pulleys

Difference between NRG PRO II and NRG XC II ??

The Pro 2 is a much more agile and quick wing then the Pro1.
It is also faster in transition from trim speed to accelerated and back to trim speed – like in pylon racing.
In general, we have made a bigger difference between the NRG XC to the NRG PRO.}
The NRG XC II is now with ABS and more XC oriented then it used to be and the PRO is a racier wing.
The NRG PRO II too is faster than the PRO, but this is mainly due to the higher Anadral !

OAA - what should be the trimmer settings?

From the Manual “In order to engage the OAA one must detach the brummel hooks connected to the rear risers below the trimmers. Prior to using the speed system one must move the trimmers to the neutral position (all risers level). To disengage the OAA one must reattach the brummel hooks on the rear riser. When operating the speed system with the OAA disengaged one must release the trimmers open before activating the speed system.”

Basically when using OAA the trimmers should be at zero position and not opened completely.

The OAA brummel hooks can be managed in the air, just recommended not to adjust close the ground – pay attention that you have enough altitude (to avoid obstacles and have the time to react for engine failure etc.)


Options and Accessories

42459: Light Clinch Bag


Durable, Comfortable.Made from LightRipstop material. Large Carry Bag for Quick packing of all your equipment. Holds unfolded glider, Harness, Helmet, etc. easily and quickly.
Weight – 500gr.

Open dimensions (Spread Flat): 1.2m x 1.2m

50011: Custom Colour

Apco Gliders can also be ordered with custom colors to suit your needs, be it a personal preference or for advertising purposes.