43136: APCO Tow Release


Release for winch launching.

Category: SKU: 43136


For many years tow release (Code 43136) was part of our product range.

All our pilots are familiar with this item and it is being used worldwide. Some of them pointed out a design shortcoming.
It is a Y-shape webbing with quick release 3 ring system at the end. Once connected to the harness, leaves only limited space for pilot entry and exit from the harness – inconvenient. In emergencies and during SIV practice when landing in water, it is an obstacle preventing easy exit from harness – safety hazard.

The new design of tow release overcomes the problem By activating the release it separates and splits open the 2 legs of the tow release, allowing safe, easy exit from harness. (with nothing in the way to endanger)
A small but important improvement.

  • Code – 43136


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